UNNI is honored to hold membership in the following organizations:

The American Sustainable Business Council is a national policy and advocacy organization working with leading companies to build a sustainable economy.

The US Composting Council advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling.

The Compost Council of Canada has been helping to build the organics recycling infrastructure across Canada for nearly 30 years.

Biodegradable Products Institute is an organization that supports a shift to the circular economy by promoting products designed to fully biodegrade in specific biologically active environments.

The Compost Manufacturing Alliance is a third-party organization that is a partnership of commercial compost facilities and manufacturers that independently certify products to ASTM D6400/D6868 and ensure commercial compostability. Their technical review and field testing of compostable products ensures biodegradation.

TÜV AUSTRIA(formerly Vinçotte) is a certification body authorised by European Bioplastics and may therefore award the Seedling logo to products that are in compliance with EN 13432.